Calvin Woods from Harvest Praise Invasion, Blaine, MN; and Tom Fox from Hope of Glory Ministries, Eden Prairie, MN, ministered to us during our Feast of Tabernacles/Ingathering weekend, Oct. 10th-12th, 2014. Our theme was “Come Out From Among Them,” reflecting God’s call for His people to be holy, separated from the world in lifestyle, attitude, and spirit; while gathering unto Him to fellowship, worship, and hear His Word. Working as a team, Calvin and Tom brought challenging messages to our body, definitely worth listening to more than once.
This was our 5th year holding a special weekend event in conjunction with the Feast of Tabernacles. This year we called it our “Feast of Ingathering,” using one of the alternate Biblical names for the celebration (also known as Feast of Booths, or Sukkot). This is to emphasize the idea of gathering and spending time together as the family of God. Furthermore, our theme was “Come Out From Among Them,” reminding us of our calling to be a holy people, separate from the world while yet being engaged in the world. We used this time to “feast” on worship, teaching, fellowship, and the presence of the Lord.
While we do not hold ourselves to be under any obligation to observe the Hebrew calendar or traditions, we do note that the Bible calls Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, and several other annual occasions, the “appointed times of the Lord,” not necessarily limited to the Jews. And Zechariah 14:16-19 prophesies of a time when all the nations will go up to Jerusalem annually to worship the Lord at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Our special guest speakers were Tom Fox and Calvin Woods from the Twin Cities. Tom i
s the founder of Hope of Glory Ministries and a co-founder of the apostolic Omega Team. He is also a successful businessman with a passion for seeing the gifts of the Spirit employed in marketplace ministries. Calvin is the founder of Harvest Praise Invasion International and has many years experience in worship ministry, pastoring, preaching and teaching. In their recent travels together, overseas and locally, Tom and Calvin have seen the Lord do significant works of healing and deliverance.