A Fresh Take on Church…


The Bemidji community has many different churches.  If you’re looking for a fresh take on church, and possibly one you can call “home,” consider Mt. Zion Church in Nymore. We’re a nondenominational fellowship of believers, who seek to live out a Biblical faith in our everyday world.  We invite you to join us on this exciting and challenging journey!

The many Christian churches in our area offer different traditions, emphases, and ways of doing things.  They express the gospel through various flavors of worship style, organizational structure, and relational dynamics.  Yet the core message of the gospel is the same:  God loves the world, He demonstrated that love by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross as a sacrifice for our collective sin, and offers the free gift of eternal life to anyone who believes the awesome truth of His resurrection! 

If you’re searching for a church to call your spiritual “home,” where you can learn and grow in the practice of your faith, here are some of the distinguishing features of Mt. Zion Church for your consideration:

VALUE OF THE INDIVIDUAL – as a small church, we greatly appreciate the presence and participation of each person in our midst.  We believe everyone is uniquely called and gifted, and there are myriad ways to serve God in the church and the world.  We encourage each one to seek individual direction from God, and exercise their talents accordingly.  We are not trying to produce cookie-cutter clones of one another!

PLURALITY OF LEADERS – we have four pastors/elders who each bring their unique giftings, backgrounds, and perspectives to bear, and willingly share the pulpit so that the congregation receives the benefit of each one’s inspiration and experience.  We encourage all our members to take initiative and exercise leadership in those areas where God has given them interest and abilities.

FOCUS ON BIBLICAL FAITH – we emphasize the priorities the Bible teaches and Jesus demonstrated:  for example, preaching the gospel, loving one another, and caring for the poor.  We leave earthly politics and party affiliations to your individual conscience, believing Jesus has called us to focus on the policies of His heavenly kingdom!

POWER OF THE SPIRIT – we believe God has never stopped doing miracles and inspiring people by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, the special gift He gave the Church at Pentecost.  We expect the supernatural power of God to have real effects in our lives and in the world today in answer to our prayers!

A NEW IDENTITY – where you are going and who you are becoming is much more important that where you came from, what you’ve experienced, or what you believed about yourself before you became a child of God!  Receiving Christ is not just changing out one set of beliefs for another, but entering into the reality of a new existence in relation to God, a change so radical and profound Jesus called it being “born again!”  The old life which proceeded from your natural birth is now considered dead, null, and void, replaced entirely by God’s gift of a “new heart and a new spirit.”  Much of our teaching is dedicated to exploring what these truths mean for our everyday lives!

COMMUNITY SERVICE – good theology should be demonstrated by good works!  Although we’re a small church, we have the privilege of owning a large building, which we share with other ministries to make a difference in the community.  For instance, we provide space for Churches United to operate, Bemidji’s multi-church outreach to help people with financial needs.  Our cafeteria is used by Community Table to serve hot meals to the hungry two nights a week.  One wing of our building is occupied by Kingdom Builders, a private Christian school.  Evening art classes are offered for family enrichment twice a month.  Special Bible teaching is offered in person and online through our Media Room.  Mt. Zion is also the official sponsor and provides many volunteers for the monthly food distribution of Ruby’s Pantry at the Sanford Center.  And six weeks a year, our volunteers are called on to assist with Meals on Wheels from Bemidji’s Senior Center.  These and many other opportunities are available for you at Mt. Zion to put your faith in action and serve others! There are other ways we think our church is just a little different than others, that might provide a fresh way to express your own faith and be more involved in the corporate life of Christ’s Body – rather than exposit them all, we invite you to see for yourself and make your own assessment!  This Sunday, perhaps?  Our service starts at 10:00 am; this link will help you find us:
