Upcoming Events



Sun., March 2 – Steve Thompson speaking.  Communion Sunday.

Thurs., March 6 – Family Enrichment art classesFun with Watercolors, with Lily Hadrava; Jewelry/Wire Wrapping with Kathy Sanders, 5:30 pm.  Call Les at 218-556-3521 for more info/register.

Sun., March 9 – Rocky Coffin speaking.

Tues., March 11 – Gary Gilbertson teaching from 1 Cor. 14, 6:30 pm in the Media Room.

Sun., March 16 – Steve Thompson speaking.

Wed., March 19 – Ruby’s Pantry at the Sanford Center.

Thurs., March 20 – Family Enrichment art classes:  Fun with Watercolors, with Lily Hadrava; Jewelry/Wire Wrapping with Kathy Sanders, 5:30 pm.  Call Les at 218-556-3521 for more info/register.

Tues., March 25 – Gary Gilbertson teaching from 1 Cor. 14, 6:30 pm in the Media Room.
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Friday, April 11 – Passover Seder with guest speaker Robin B. of Chosen People Ministries.  Reservations will be required, more information to come…

Special Note:  Children’s Church for ages 5-11 is offered during the sermon time on Sundays, depending on the availability of teachers.  If parents need a space to supervise active younger children during the service, the nursery is open with a video monitor of the service available.

– – – – – ONGOING ACTIVITIES – – – – –

Adult Bible study Sunday mornings at 8:30 am – being held both on-site in classroom 2 and simultaneously via Zoom.

Men’s Bible study, Mondays 8:00-9:00 am in classroom 2.  Open to the community.

Prayer meeting – Mondays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, conference room.

Fellowship – Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:00 am, join the pastors for coffee & fellowship – and who knows, a Bible study might break out, or prayer and worship!

Scheduled activities are always subject to the potential for change due to calendar conflicts, inclement weather, plagues, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, the Rapture, or other unforseen factors!

For those who may not be able to meet in person, our Sunday services are streamed live on our YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/user/mtzionch, starting at 10:00 am; you can also go there to watch or re-watch the recorded version anytime later at your convenience.


KingdomBuildersKingdom Builders Christian School rents classroom space in the west wing of our building.  To learn more about Kingdom Builders, call their office at 218-308-6143, and visit their website, www.kingdombuildersschool.org, or connect with them on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/kingdombuildersschool/

ChurchesUnitedLogo2Churches United has their office in our building; look for their door on the west side (Lincoln Ave).  They provide food vouchers and similar assistance to people needing emergency financial help.  Their hours are 11:00 am-3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday, depending on volunteer availability, and they’re closed on most holidays – call 444-1380 during their office hours for more info.

CommunityTable2 Mon. and Tues. nights, 5:00-6:00 pm Community Table serves hot meals in our downstairs Fellowship Hall. Everyone who’s hungry is welcome, there is no income restriction.  Community Table also serves meals on Wed. & Thurs. nights at the United Methodist Church downtown.  (No meals served on holidays such as Christmas, New Years, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, etc.) 

aglowlogo-lowresBemidji Area Women’s Aglow holds their weekly prayer meeting Tuesdays, 9:30 am, in our Conference Room.

GideonsIntl Bemidji area chapter of Gideons Int’l meets in our building on the 1st Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.