Mt. Zion Church

Prophetic Word to Minnesota

Jan 31, 2009

This word was given by Keith Miner at the God is Unrolling the Scroll Conference — teaching on the prophetic. You can play it (or download it) and also read the transcript below.

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“There are many of you here,” says the Lord, “to whom I have spoken many years ago, there are many of you here whom I have given precious promises, and you have held on, and you’ve become weary and said ‘how long, how long, how long?’” (Steve was talking to me about this.) But the Lord is saying, I am bringing My church together, in Minnesota, to fulfill My promises. Come together and be who I’ve made you to be. This is not a chance gathering that I have brought people from such a large area. I have brought you together because I am going to fulfill My promises.

“I carry every individual in this state in My heart. But I have plans and purposes for My church in this state. For I am restoring My prophetic voice in the church in this state, and I am restoring in this state the prophetic voice of the church to the world.” I felt the Lord say to me this morning, “Recession is not the word that I have for the state of Minnesota. But I need my people to come together and believe me, and walk this state through into My promises. Do not give up, do not despair. I am faithful to watch over My word to perform it.

“This will require repentance. This will require obedience. This will require laying down your thoughts, your judgments, your agendas. But I am here to bless and to have mercy. My word for this state is not recession, but release: the release of Me, My Spirit, My Word. I have chosen this state for My church to stand up as a demonstration of what I can do through My church. You are not alone in this...”

I just need to hit pause before I can go on prophesying. One of the things that upset me coming to North America was the joke, which had a lot of truth in it: How big is the Church in North America? I’m not saying the United States, how big is the Church in North America? Well, it’s 3,000 miles wide and half an inch deep. Yeh? You’ve heard that. Lord, we repent of that. Lord, we repent of that, and Lord, we declare that we are part of the generation who see that change. Lord, you are taking all of us deeper into You. Lord, You’ve purposed that to go deeper into You. And Lord, we’re part of that. And – okay. I’m submitting all this to you, you understand. That I felt the Lord has been saying,

“. . .I am re-laying the foundations of My church in the United States, I’m raising up pioneers again.” And Steve and I have talked about this, there’s a passage in Isaiah 58. “My word for this state is not recession, but restoration. I am restoring My church in this state, and I am restoring My heart, My plans, and purposes for this state, because I am restoring My heart, My plans, and purposes for this nation. There has been a coming down that there may be a growing up. There has been a cleansing and an exposing, so that there can be release.”

I believe the Lord is saying, “Receive My Word, receive who I am, and allow Me to bring you together in unity that you will fulfill My purposes, because I’ve chosen this state to be a prophetic voice to this nation. I have been raising up across this nation those who live quietly, away from the glare, the glitz, and the glamour, but have quietly served Me faithfully. I am joining them state by state, I am joining them because I have had to lay fresh foundations of My church in this nation, so that My church can serve Me in this nation, and to the nations.”

And I felt coming here the Lord was saying, “I called you to be part of My foundations in this state, in your communities, and to this nation. My purposes for this nation shall not be thwarted, they shall be fulfilled. And because I love this nation, I have been dealing with things. But I am a God of mercy, but I have been calling My people to stand with Me, to be with Me. Walk together in unity, walk together in joy, walk together in understanding who you are in Me. But I have raised up pioneers who will lead the way. I have raised up pioneers who will speak My word in these days, I have raised up pioneers who will demonstrate My word, My lifestyle, and who will demonstrate My love to the people in the communities of this state, who will demonstrate My love to the people of this state, and who will be prophetic demonstration to the people of this nation that I am a God of love, of mercy, compassion and kindness.”

So I submit that to you, okay? God bless.

Given by Keith Miners during Saturday morning session on “Prophetic Lifestyle.” See the God is Unrolling the Scroll Conference for the whole session.